Page 132 - 活出安康樂耆年-長者精神健康手冊
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            (一) 適應退休及收入減少的生活

                  1. Swan, G.E., Dame, A., & Carmelli, D. (1991). Involuntary retirement, type A
                     behavior, and current functioning in elderly men 27-year follow-up of the western
                     collaborative group study. Psychology and Aging, 6(3), 384-391.

                  2. Gall, T.L., & Evans, D. R. (2000). Pre-retirement expectations and the quality of
                     life of male retirees in latter retirement. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science,
                     32(3), 187-197.

                  3. Harlow, R. E., & Cantor, N. (1996). Still participating after all these years : a
                     study of life task participation in later life. Journal of Personality and Social
                     Psychology,71(6), 1235-1249.

                  4. Woods, R. (1996). Handbook of clinical psychology of ageing. New York: Wiley.

                  5.  關銳煊主編 (2000).。陳肇始 (1994),( 老人與閒暇研究報告 ),《社區發展季刊》,
                     第 68 期,頁 210-219。

                  6. Dallas, S. (1995). Successful retirees tell how and why. New Choices for
                     Retirement Living, 35, 36-39.

                  7. Ross, C., & Drentea, P. (1998). Consequences of retirement activities for distress
                     and the sense of personal control. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 39, 317-

                  8. Richardson, V.E. (1993). Retirement counseling : A handbook for gerontology
                     practitioners. New York : Springer.

            (二) 處理長期疾病的壓力

                  1. Holahan, C. J., Moos, R. H., Holahan, C. K., & Brennan, P. L. (1995). Social
                     support, coping and depressive symptoms in a late-middle-aged sample of
                     patients reporting cardiac illness. Health Psychology, 14(2), 152-163.

                  2. Rodrigue, J. R., Kanasky, W. F., Jackson, S. I., & Perri, M. G. (2000). The
                     psychosocial adjustment to illness scale - self-report : Factor structure and item
                     stability. Psychological Assessment, 12(4), 409-413.

                  3. Erdal, K. J., & Zautra, A.J. (1995). Psychological impact of illness downturns : a
                     comparison of new and chronic conditions. Psychology and Aging, 10(4), 507-577.

                  4. Helgeson, V.S. (1999). Applicability of cognitive adaptation theory to predicting
                     adjustment to heart disease after coronary angioplasty. Health Psychology, 18(6),

                  5. Christensen, A., Moran, P. J., & Wiebe, J. S. (1999). Assessment of irrational
                     health beliefs : Relation to health practices and medical regimen adherence.
                     Health Psychology, 18(2), 169-176.

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