Common questions about using diaper
1. How to choose a suitable diaper?
Factors that should be considered when choosing a diaper:
- activity level of the elder
- for men or for women
- body size of the elder
- absorbency level of the diapers:
day use: lower absorbency level, but good for mobility
night use: higher absorbency level, but heavier
2. How frequent to change the diaper?
- Change the diaper every 4 hours
- Change the diaper immediately after bowel movement
3. How to use a diaper?
- Prepare and unfold the diaper
- Do not touch the inside of the diaper to avoid contamination
- Have the elder lie on his or her side
- Place the diaper between his or her legs. The larger backside should face the buttocks
- Have the elder roll onto his or her back
- Adjust the position of the diaper and make sure there is no ruffle
- Secure the adhesive tape to prevent leaks, but not too tight to cause discomfort
- Make sure the elder is comfortable by asking him/her
4. How to clean during changing a diaper?
- Clean the perineal area with warm water
- For female elder, to clean the area from front to back and avoid vise versa, every time use a clean part of towel for cleaning
- Pat the skin dry
- Do not rub the skin
- Apply ointment to protect the skin if necessary.
5. How to manage if there is a leak?
- Check if the diaper is the proper size for the user
- Ensure a smooth seal after each change by lightly running your finger underneath the elastic band around both legs
- Don’t try to avoid leaks by double diapering