Page 170 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 170
3. Heart Healthy Diet
Having a healthy lifestyle, which involves eating a healthy diet,
can help maintain the health of the heart. A healthy eating habit
includes following a balanced diet and reducing the intake of foods
that can affect the health of the heart.
A Balanced Diet
A balanced diet means eating grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish,
egg and alteratives, and milk and its alternatives in appropriate portions
as recommended by the Healthy Eating Food Pyramid. Eat more fruits,
vegetables and whole grains. Choose lean meat, skinless poultry, fish,
dried beans and skimmed or low-fat milk from the meat and milk food
1. Eat more vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants
and fibre. Select a variety of vegetables (e.g. Chinese flowering
cabbages, carrots, eggplants) and fruits (e.g. oranges, kiwi fruits,
2. Choose more high fibre foods
Eating a diet that is rich in soluble fibre may help to reduce the
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (commonly known as “bad
cholesterol”) and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Good sources of
soluble fibre include fruits, vegetables, whole grains (e.g. oatmeal)
and dried beans (e.g. soybeans, red beans). Fruit juice is low in
dietary fibre and should not be regarded as a major source of fibre.