Page 41 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 41

Chapter 1
                                                         Basic Knowledge

          2. Blanching
          • Blanching is a low-fat cooking method. It is
            mainly used for cooking vegetables and some
            easily cooked meat (e.g. sliced meat, sliced
            fish, shrimp). Simply put the food into the
            boiling water until it is done.
          • Pay attention to the amount of water put in. For   Sample Dish:
            blanching vegetables, it should be just enough   Angled Luffa and Grass Carp
            to cover them so as to avoid loss of water-  in Rice Vermicelli soup (Refer to
            soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B and C.  page 98)
          • Add some meat along with the vegetables so
            that it can be served as a soup dish as well.

          3. Baking
          • Baking is a healthy cooking method as it can
            make the food crispy without using as much
            oil as deep-frying does. It can even draw
            some oil from the food and thus reduce its fat
                                                     Sample Dish:
                                                     Tomato Beef Macaroni
                                                     Casserole (Refer to page 118)

          Fat Content in Different Foods

             Deep-fried Chicken 100g  2½ tsp oil  Baked Chicken 100g  1½ tsp oil
             (2½ taels)                      (2½ taels)

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