Page 49 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 49

Chapter 1
                                                         Basic Knowledge

          Aroma of Natural Seasonings
              Use ingredients with a natural aroma more
          often to freshen up a dish and reduce the use of
          high-sodium seasonings.

          Vegetables:  Chinese celery, mushrooms, onions
          or white radishes.
          Natural seasonings:  Coriander, garlic, shallots,
          ginger, dried tangerine peel, Sichuan pepper,   Sample dish:
          aniseeds, herbs (e.g. rosemary, basil).       Pan-fried fish fillet with orange
          Fruits:   Citrus  fruits  (oranges,  lemons,  limes),   sauce (refer to page 78)
          peaches or apples.

           Dietitian’s Reminder             Kitchen Trivia
               Allylic sulfides found in garlic   How to remove the strong smell of onions
           and  onions  can  enhance he     from your hands or a cooking pot?
           absorption of vitamin B1.        • Rub your hands with salt, vinegar or
               Magnify the effect by cutting or   lemon juice.
           chopping and exposing them for a   • Wet the pot, sprinkle a pinch of salt
           while before use.
                                              and leave it to stand for a few minutes.
                                              Then, wash it with boiling water.
           Cooking Tips

           Storage of carrots
           Put carrots in food storage bags and keep them in the crisper compartment.  Families
           of 1 to 2 people can make good use of this storage method and keep some carrots in
           the refrigerator, using them as side ingredients more often. However, if the vegetables
           was found rotten, it should be discarded regardless of the storage period.
           Purchase of broccoli
           Choose broccoli with a dark green colour. If the broccoli heads start to turn yellow,
           the plant is not fresh.
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