Page 6 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 6


              Notwithstanding the promising health indices of its people, Hong
          Kong is facing challenges from an ageing population and threats from non-
          communicable diseases (NCD). Many of these diseases stem from our lifestyles,
          such as unhealthy eating patterns, physical inactivity, alcoholism and smoking.

              Since 2008, the Government has launched a strategic framework to
          prevent and control NCD and has set up a high-level Steering Committee (SC),
          chaired by the Secretary for Food and Health and comprising representatives
          from the Government, public and private sectors, academia, professional
          bodies, industry representatives and other key partners, to deliberate on and
          oversee the overall roadmap for implementation.  To combat the threat posed
          by NCD and in line with the World Health Organization (WHO)’s “Global
          Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCD 2013-2020” (Global
          NCD Action Plan), the SC, in 2018, formulated and endorsed a strategy
          and action plan for prevention and control of NCD by 2025 which defines
          a set of 9 local NCD targets to be achieved by the same year. This resulted
          in the publication of the document, “Towards 2025: Strategy and Action Plan
          to Prevent and Control Non-communicable Diseases in Hong Kong” (SAP).

          Aligning with the WHO’s Global NCD Action Plan, the SAP focuses on four
          NCD (namely cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases
          and diabetes) and four shared behavioural risk factors (namely unhealthy diet,
          physical inactivity, tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol) that are potentially
          preventable or modifiable and have significant impact on population health.

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