Page 63 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 63

Chapter 2
                                             Healthy Meal Plan in Action

          Method 3:  Always have some eggs. They are nutritious and easy to
          cook (e.g. steamed egg, omelette, or as part of a main dish).
          Method 4:  Start by making some simple meals, such as:

                                     Noodles in Soup
                                     e.g. Angled luffa and grass carp in
                                     rice noodle soup (refer to page 98)

                                     Vegetable rice
                                     e.g. Steamed rice with minced
                                     beef, egg and vegetable
                                     (refer to page 112)

                                                  Advanced preparation
                                                  of fast food items
                                                  e.g. wonton (refer to page
                                                  136), hamburger patties
                                                  (refer to page 138)

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