Page 66 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 66

2. Sample of One-Week Menu

                   Breakfast           Lunch            Snack       Dinner
                Noodles in soup with   French beans with minced pork   Skimmed milk  Rainbow tofu
                Chinese mushrooms  and basil                    (refer to page 82)
      Monday    Calcium-fortified soymilk  (refer to page 70)   Choy-sum sautéed with
                                 Apple                          ginger
                Oatmeal with     Thai fish cakes     Bean curd dessert  Pan-fried tofu with
                skimmed milk     (refer to page 134)            minced pork
      Tuesday   Wholemeal walnut   Choy-sum sautéed with        (refer to page 76)
                bread            ginger                         French beans sautéed
                                 Grapes                         with minced garlic
                Bread with jam   Steamed rice with minced   Calcium-fortified   Dried tofu in pumpkin
                Skimmed milk     beef, eggs and vegetables  soymilk  sauce
      Wednesday                  (refer to page 112)            (refer to page 72)
                                 Orange                         Kiwi fruit

                Oatmeal with     Pan-fried fish fillet with   Bean curd dessert  Braised Chicken with
                skimmed milk     orange sauce                   pumpkin
                Bread with       (refer to page 78)             (refer to page 84)
      Thursday  peanut butter    Broccoli sautéed with minced   Bok-choy sautéed with
                                 garlic                         ginger
                                 Banana                         Grapes
                Tuna sandwich    Broccoli and carrot omelette  Calcium-fortified   Stir-fried fish fillet with
      Friday    Skimmed milk     (refer to page 86)  soymilk    baby asparagus, fresh
                                 Shanghainese cabbages          lily bulb, and carrot
                                 sautéed with minced garlic     (refer to page 88)
                                 Orange                         Lettuce sautéed with
                Oatmeal with     Baked chicken thigh  Bean curd dessert  Pork and asparagus
      Saturday  skimmed milk     (refer to page 102)            wrap
                Wholemeal raisin   Lettuce sautéed with ginger  (refer to page 80)
                bread            Banana                         Snap peas sautéed
                                                                with minced garlic
                Calcium-fortified   Pork udon in tomato soup  Skimmed milk  Braised chicken with
      Sunday    soymilk          (refer to page 96)             chestnuts and Chinese
                Red bean paste   Shanghainese cabbages          mushrooms
                bread            sautéed with minced garlic     (refer to page 108)
                                 Orange                         Apple
                                         Foods in red text = Suggested to be kept at home for regular use
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