Page 17 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 17

Chapter 1
                                                         Basic Knowledge

         Functions of Different Food Groups:
              • Grains are rich in starch, being the main source of
                energy and carbohydrates. They also contain small
                amounts of vitamin B1 and B6 as well as plant-
                based protein. Brown rice, red rice and whole
                grains (e.g. oatmeal, whole wheat bread) are rich
                in dietary fibre too.
              • Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C,
                minerals, anti-oxidants and dietary fibre. Vitamin
                A and C protect body cells against free radicals,
                decreasing the risks of illnesses (e.g. cardiovascular
                diseases,  cancers).  Dietary  fibre  can  prevent
                constipation and help maintain a normal blood
                cholesterol level.
              • Meat, fish, egg and alternatives are rich in protein
                and vitamin B12. Red meat, pork livers and eggs
                are rich in iron. Meat alternatives include legumes,
                nuts, seeds and soy products (e.g. tofu, dried tofu,
                bean curd sheets). Legumes are high in protein,
                unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iron, vitamin B and
                dietary fibre. Nuts and seeds are high in protein,
                unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and dietary fibre.
                Protein helps produce and repair body cells.

              • Milk and alternatives are rich in calcium, protein
                and vitamin B2. Milk alternatives (e.g. calcium
                fortified soy milk, dried tofu, bean curd sheets)
                are high in protein, unsaturated fatty acids and
                calcium. Calcium helps maintain bone health, thus
                decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

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