Page 19 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 19

Chapter 1
                                                         Basic Knowledge

               • Use low-fat cooking methods (e.g. steaming, blanching, stewing,

              3. Choose High-Fibre Foods

                   High-fibre foods include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, mushrooms
              and legumes. Consuming high-fibre foods helps relieve constipation, control
              blood cholesterol level and maintain health.

               • Choose more vegetables as ingredients, such as tomato, carrot, celery,
                 dried lily flowers, black fungi and shitake mushrooms, to increase the
                 fibre content of dishes.

               • Eat more fresh fruits as snacks and use more of them to make dessert or

              4. Cut Down on High-Sodium and High-Sugar
                 Ingredients and Condiments
                   Decreasing sodium intake can help maintain optimal blood pressure
              level and thus cardiovascular health.

               • Reduce high-sodium ingredients and condiments (e.g. preserved
                 mustard greens, pickled mustard tubers and high-sodium seasonings,
                 like seafood sauce, fish sauce, oyster sauce, fermented soybean paste,
                 bean paste).
               • Easy on high-sugar condiments (e.g. sweet and sour sauce, seafood
                 sauce, Ketchup) or else one’s caloric intake will increase unintentionally.
               • Use more natural seasonings (e.g. ginger, spring onion, garlic,
                 coriander, cayenne, aniseed).

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