Page 74 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 74

Omelette with Onion, Tuna and Mixed Vegetables
         (Serves 1)
                                               NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
                                               (per serving)
                                               Energy:        126 kcal
                                               Carbohydrate:  3 g
                                               Protein:       9 g
                                               Fat:           8 g
                                               Cholesterol:   189 mg
                                               Dietary fibre:   0.6 g
                                               Sodium:        226 mg

          INGREDIENTS:                         METHOD
          • Egg, large          1 piece
          • Onion, diced        1 Tbsp (~10g)  1. Defrost, rinse and boil the
          • Canned tuna (in brine) 1 Tbsp (~10g)  mixed vegetables.  Drain it.
          • Frozen mixed        1 Tbsp (~10g)  2. Heat up ¼ tsp oil, and stir-
             vegetables                          fry the onion, tuna and mixed
          • Vegetable oil       ¾ tsp            vegetables.  Set aside.

          SEASONING:                           3. Beat the egg and mix with
          • Salt                ⅟ 16 tsp
          • Sugar               ⅛ tsp          4. Heat up the remaining oil in a
                                                 non-stick pan.  Turn to low heat
                                                 and pour the egg mixture in.
                                                 Tilt the pan to allow the mixture
                                                 to run evenly.
                                               5. Fill one side of the egg with
                                                 onion, mixed vegetables and
                                                 tuna when the egg begins to
                                               6. Use chopsticks or a spatula to
                                                 fold the egg in half.  Pan-fry
                                                 both sides of the omelette until

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