Page 24 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 24

5. Only Shop Once a Week?
                   If you can only shop once a week or do not have enough time to

              prepare your dinner, you can consider the following:
               • Plan ahead for meals for a couple of days. Consider different
                 combinations of meat, side ingredients and vegetables.

               • Marinate and cook the meat you bought.
               • Cut the same kind of meat into same shape for easy cooking (e.g.
                 slice/dice the pork, shred chicken).

               • Divide the cooked meat into one-meal portions and put them in sealed,
                 clean containers with the cooking date labelled. Then, put them in the
                 freezer compartment.

               • Defrost the frozen meat in the refrigerator one day before cooking.
               • Cook the meat with vegetables to save time. For safe consumption, the
                 meat must be re-heated thoroughly until the core temperature reaches
                 75 ℃ or above.

           Shopping Tips
           Some supermarkets provide peeled and pre-cut vegetables (e.g. pumpkin cubes, winter melon
           cubes, hairy gourd sticks, zucchini slices) for 1 to 2 people. Pre-cut meat (e.g. shredded
           chickens, meat cubes) and soup packs with pre-cut vegetables included are also available.
           Although ready-to-use ingredients are more expensive, you can save a lot of time on meal
           preparation. Nevertheless, be aware of their expiry date and freshness.

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