Page 96 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 96

Pork Udon in Tomato Soup
         (Serves 1)
                                               NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
                                               (per serving)
                                               Energy:        515 kcal
                                               Carbohydrate:  78 g
                                               Protein:       31 g
                                               Fat:           10 g
                                               Cholesterol:   63 mg
                                               Dietary fibre:   7.5 g
                                               Sodium:        600 mg

          INGREDIENTS:                         METHOD
          • Pork slices      2½ taels (~100g)
          • Tomatoes         2 pieces (~260g)  1. Peel onion, and rinse tomatoes.
          • Onion, large     ¼ piece (~50g)      Dice both.
          • Udon             1 pack (~200g)    2. Marinate pork slices well.
          • Water            2 cups
          • Vegetable oil    ½ tsp             3. Cook udon in a pot of boiling
                                                 water for a while.  Then rinse
          MARINADE (for pork):                   the udon well in a colander
                                                 using cold water.  Drain when
          • Light soy sauce  ¼ tsp               the udon has been cooled
          • Sugar            ¼ tsp               down.
          • White pepper     a pinch
                                               4. Heat up ¼ tsp oil in a pan and
          SEASONING:                             slightly pan-fry the pork slices.
          • Ketchup          1 Tbsp              Set aside.
          • Sugar            1 tsp             5. Heat up the remaining oil and
          • Salt             ⅟16 tsp             sauté onion until it turns golden
                                                 and soft.  Then stir-fry with
          OPTIONAL SEASONING:                    tomatoes.
          • Bay leaf         1 piece
                                               6. Add water and seasoning.
                                                 Cover and let it simmer at low
                                                 heat until the tomatoes are
                                                 cooked.  Then add the pork
                                                 slices and udon and bring them
                                                 to the boil. Ready to serve.
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