Page 94 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 94

Stuffed Bell Peppers
         (Serves 1)
                                               NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
                                               (per serving)
                                               Energy:        216 kcal
                                               Carbohydrate:  13 g
                                               Protein:       22 g
                                               Fat:           7 g
                                               Cholesterol:   67 mg
                                               Dietary fibre:   2.4 g
                                               Sodium:        533 mg

          INGREDIENTS:                         METHOD
          • Dace fish meat    3 taels (~120 g)
             (fish paste)                      1. Mix the fish meat well with
          • Red bell pepper,  1 piece (~120g)    coriander and marinade, and
                                                 stir in one direction until it
             medium                              thickens.  Set aside for about 30
          • Coriander,        1 Tbsp
             finely chopped                      minutes.
          • Garlic, minced    1 clove          2. Rinse,  core,  and  cut  the  bell
          • Shaoxing wine     1½ Tbsp            pepper into wedges.  Dust the
          • Cornstarch        ¼ tsp              inner surface with cornstarch
          • Vegetable oil     ¾ tsp              and stuff it with the fish paste.
                                               3. Heat up oil in a non-stick pan.
          MARINADE (for fish):                   Sauté the garlic.  Pan-fry the
          • Salt              ⅛ tsp              stuffed bell peppers (with fish
          • Sugar             ¼ tsp              meat facing down) at low heat
          • Cornstarch        ¼ tsp
                                                 for about 5 minutes.  Flip them
                                                 over and pan-fry the other side
          SEASONING:                             for a while.
          • Light soy sauce   ½ tsp
          • Sugar             ½ tsp            4. Pour wine along the side of the
          • Sesame oil        ¼ tsp              pan and add the seasoning.
          • Cornstarch        ½ tsp              Cover and simmer for about
          • White pepper      a pinch            3 minutes or until the fish is
          • Water             1½ Tbsp            thoroughly cooked.

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