Page 150 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 150

Pumpkin Seed Sponge Cake
         (Serves 10, 1 piece each)
                                               NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
                                               (per serving)
                                               Energy:        117 kcal
                                               Carbohydrate:  20 g
                                               Protein:       4 g
                                               Fat:           3 g
                                               Cholesterol:   37 mg
                                               Dietary fibre:   0.6 g
                                               Sodium:        91 mg

          INGREDIENTS:                          METHOD
          • Pumpkin, medium  ⅛ piece (~160g)    1. Peel and dice the pumpkin.
          • Egg, large      2 pieces              Steam and drain the liquid.
          • Pumpkin seeds,  30g                   Mash 2/3 of the pumpkin with a
             baked                                fork.
          • Sugar           100g
          • Flour           60g                 2. Whisk the egg with sugar until a
          • Self-raising flour  60g               yellowish cream texture formed.
          • Vegetable oil   Small amount (for
                            greasing cake pan)  3. Sift the flour and self-raising
                                                  flour together and slowly fold
                                                  into the egg mixture to form
                                                4. Mix the pumpkin cubes and
                                                  mashed pumpkin into the flour
                                                  batter slowly, and then add the
                                                  pumpkin seeds.  Mix well and
                                                  let it stand for 20 minutes.
                                                5. Pour the batter into a lightly
                                                  greased rice cooker, and cook
                                                  until done.  Let the cake cool
                                                  down and then evenly cut into
                                                  10 pieces.

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