Page 82 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 82

Rainbow Tofu
         (Serves 1)
                                               NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
                                               (per serving)
                                               Energy:        178 kcal
                                               Carbohydrate:  10 g
                                               Protein:       23 g
                                               Fat:           6 g
                                               Cholesterol:   45 mg
                                               Dietary fibre:   1.7 g
                                               Sodium:        536 mg

          INGREDIENTS:                         METHOD
          • Dace fish meat     2 taels (~80g)
             (fish paste)                      1. Put dace fish meat in a large
          • Firm tofu          ¼ block (~95g)    bowl, and stir in one direction
                                                 until it turns into fish paste.
          • Frozen mixed       2 Tbsp
             vegetables                        2. Rinse tofu and pat dry it.
          • Ginger, diced      1 Tbsp
          • Spring onion, diced  1 stalk       3. Defrost, rinse, and drain the
                                                 mixed vegetables.
          SEASONING:                           4. Mash tofu and mix it well with
          • Light soy sauce    ½ tsp             mixed vegetables, ginger,
          • Salt               ⅛ tsp             spring onion, dace fish paste
          • Sesame oil         ⅛ tsp             and seasoning.
          • White pepper       a pinch
          • Sugar              ⅛ tsp           5. Lay the above mixture evenly
                                                 into a plate, and steam for 10
          • Cornstarch         ¼ tsp
                                                 minutes until cooked.

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