Page 88 - Cook with Ease: Tips and Recipes for Small Families - Serving 1-2
P. 88

Stir-fried Fish Fillets with
          Asparagus, Fresh Lily Bulb and Carrot
          (Serves 1)
                                               NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
                                               (per serving)
                                               Energy:        200 kcal
                                               Carbohydrate:  19 g
                                               Protein:       17 g
                                               Fat:           6 g
                                               Cholesterol:   39 mg
                                               Dietary fibre:   2.3 g
                                               Sodium:        471 mg

          INGREDIENTS:                    METHOD
          • Fish fillets  2 taels (~80 g)  1. Rinse and pat dry the fish fillets,
          • Asparagus     1 tael (~40 g)     and cut into pieces.  Marinate for 10
          • Carrot        1½ taels (~60 g)   minutes.
          • Fresh lily bulb  ½ bulb       2. Rinse and cut the asparagus in
          • Ginger        1 slice            sections.  Peel, rinse and cut the
          • Vegetable oil  1 tsp             carrots into thin slices.
                                          3. Rinse and soak the fresh lily bulb,
          MARINADE (for fish):               and tear it into small pieces.  Drain
          • Light soy sauce  ⅛ tsp           and set aside.
          • Sesame oil    ⅛ tsp           4. Prepare the thickener by mixing
          • Sugar         ⅛ tsp              cornstarch with dark soy sauce and
          • White pepper  a pinch            water.
          • Shaoxing wine  ½ tsp          5. Blanch the asparagus and carrot
          • Cornstarch    ½ tsp              slices in boiling water.  Drain and set
          THICKENER:                      6. Heat up oil in a non-stick pan.  Sauté
          • Dark soy sauce  1 tsp            the ginger and pan-fry the fish fillets
          • Cornstarch    1 tsp              lightly.  Add in asparagus and carrot
          • Water         2 Tbsp             slices, cover and simmer for a while.
                                          7. Stir in the lily bulb. Cover and simmer
                                             for a while.  Pour in the thickener and
                                             cook until the lily bulb is done.

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